Federal Prosecutions of Doctors Selling Oxycodone: An Analysis with Norman Spencer Law Group
Federal Prosecutions of Doctors Selling Oxycodone: An Analysis with Norman Spencer Law Group Federal prosecutions targeting doctors accused of selling or overprescribing oxycodone have escalated as the opioid crisis continues to grip the United States. The medical profession has faced increasing scrutiny, with law enforcement agencies dedicating substantial resources to identifying and prosecuting doctors who allegedly fuel illegal distribution networks. While oxycodone is essential for legitimate pain management, its potential for abuse and dependency makes it one of the most regulated substances. Federal prosecutors have pursued charges against doctors whom they believe violated the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), a crucial framework in curbing prescription drug abuse. Understanding the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and Its Impact on Prescribing Practices The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) mandates strict guidelines for healthcare professionals author...